Friday Flash Fiction Is It Really God's Hand?

Ahoy Fellow Fathomers and welcome to the Friday Flash Fiction...the source for 100 words for one picture is only worth 100 words in here. What do you think of the picture above? An exploding star perhaps? A witch casting her spell? Some crazy person actually holding dry ice in their hands?

Our little group will compose our best interpretation of this photo. Each writer will post their 100, so, give each of us a visit and comment. Tell us what you think. 


“What do you want me to say, Owen? That I shoot sparks and lightning bolts from my fingertips.” Pearl angrily laced up her trail boots and stood abruptly.

“I’m sorry, Pearl, I’m not trying to ruin our picnic. I’m asking questions, that’s all. I’m trying to understand you.” Owen reached up and lightly gripped her hand.

Pearl shook him off and walked toward a tree stump, she quickly sat down on it. “I don’t care if you believe me or not. I didn’t ask for any of this and I’d much rather be alone than try to continually explain myself.”

Now that you've read my 100, please visit the other authors for their interpretation of this mystical photo.
S.J. Maylee:
Brantwijn Serrah:


Unknown said…
Did her passion when they were making love spark the flames in her fingertips? I suppose he should stop asking questions and accept what happens. A neatly worded description of the photo.
Anonymous said…
Bless her, I can feel her frustration here.
Naomi Shaw said…
Ah mystical Owen. I'd love to know more. Great flash
Leann Mitchell said…
I can imagine how she feels yet she should also know that questions are going to arise. People are curious and when they're interested in another, they tend to want to know more. Especially if they hold powers. Great Flash!
Muffy Wilson said…
Wonderfully curious 100, Davee. I do not know what her burden is, we all have one or some, but I understand completely her frustration at continually explaining herself. There are so many layers in this mere 100, open to all directions of interpretation. What a great flash. Crafted beautifully to speak to us each in our own response. Fabulous!! :) xo
Anonymous said…
Wow! I love this flash! In a mere 100, I relate to these characters, fantastical as they are!
theresa stuart said…
well done
nice setting like this flash
Brantwijn said…
It leaves me hungry to know more!
Julian Spong said…
Interesting flash. So much to be explained would love to read more
S.J. Maylee said…
The poor thing. She shouldn't have to be alone. Gifts can certainly be a burden. I want to read more about her.

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