F*$% is Not the Only Word I Know

Hello Fellow Fathomers! Today in The Locker, not only am I celebrating Friday, I celebrate each and every one of us who use “Big Words”. Most of us have heard the joke, “uh-oh, they’re gonna start spelling the big words in front us soon”, in reference to someone unintentionally underestimating our intelligence or level of understanding.  I’m just as guilty as anyone else, ask my “growing up way too quickly” kids.

I believe erotic romance, and even mainstream romance, books, at times, sometimes become erroneously classified as simply elementary or lacking substance. For every rough-riding, clusterf-ing, limited verbal skills sausage-fest, there is also a witty, poignant romantic piece of printed success-even if the “F” word is involved. Oh, and Heaven forbid we say the word, (peeking around to see if anyone is looking) “clit”. GASP!! 
By the way, if I write one of those rough-riding, clusterf-ing, limited verbal skills sausage-fest sex rush books, it’s my prerogative, as Bobby Brown so eloquently sang. Don’t be hatin’ or judgin’ just cause I want to get my gritty side on. It will not be long until I write another story using words that exceed three syllables.  I promise to do my best to provide quality reading for you, regardless of the depth level of the story. (For the record, sometimes I  enjoy using a crayon for purposes of expressing my creativity. bahaha)

If we plan to attain a level of success as writers, we must assume we need to continue creating quality stories worthy of your time. Just as you, the Radiant Reader, can safely assume a book based upon romance, erotic or otherwise, has the potential to hold significant substance and entertain your brain as well as your private parts. For the Rad Readers who simply want a diversion from the daily grind, yes, successful fiction transports you and provides an escape. However, it does not always mean flourishing, entertaining fiction cannot deliver a message, thought-provoking plot line, or might even teach a reader something.

Even if those lessons include Bedroom Skills 101- Or, beyond, for those pursuing their B.Ed., oops, I mean M.Ed. ;)



ERP said…
I happen to like the word fuck and all it's meanings ;) oh, and Clit. (bwahaha) Yea, I like that one, too.

nice post Davee :)
Davee Jones said…
Thank you Erika! I appreciate your visit.

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