FFF--This Corset is Cutting Me in Half!

Hello Fellow Fathomers!  Welcome to FFF, the Flash Fiction Friday series.  Where my friends and I have one photo prompt and write exactly 100 words to describe what we see.  Please settle back, enjoy the lovely woman in this photo and soak in my interpretation.  This picture was a bit more difficult for me this week.  She looks aloof, bored, self-centered, pensive, stiff, wow, so many things.  But, I finally came up with something. If you are feeling saucy, write you own interpretation in comments, I would LOVE to read your take on this one! 

Is it really worth the money? As I sit here under the photographer’s careful lighting, I consider my growling stomach and daydream about pizza.  The corset cutting into my waist and abdomen reminds me there is not enough room in my life for food and money. I made that choice a long time ago. I almost hated it now. How long had it been since I held piping-hot, gooey slices of Heaven in my hands?  Tonight I will do just that--after I purchase the syrup of ipecac I will drink as soon as I finish my sinful, forbidden supper. 

Now that you have my take of this ethereal, clinically ill woman, please take a moment to visit my friends for their interpretations as well!  Maybe it won't be as morbid????? 

Lisa Worrall: http://lworrall.blogspot.com
Bonni Sansom http://bonnisansom.blogspot.com/
Benjamin Russell http://www.incubuschronicles.blogspot.com/
Lee Brazil http://leebrazilauthor.blogspot.com/
Erika Pierce http://www.erpierce.com
Yvonne Nicolas http://yvonnenicolas.wordpress.com/
Gemma Parkes: http://gemmaparkes.blogspot.com/
Sara York: http://sarayork.blogspot.com
Cyril J. Michael: http://authorcyriljmichaels.blogspot.com/
Venus Cahill: http://www.venusbookluvr.blogspot.com/
Muffalicious: http://MuffyWilson.blogspot.com
Lani Rhea: http://lanirhea.blogspot.com
Lindsey Gray: http://lindsey-gray.blogspot.com
Cassandre Dayne http://cassandredayne.wordpress.com/
Sherri Hayes: http://sherri-hayes.blogspot.com/
Katie Harper: http://katieharperwrites.blogspot.com/
Havan Fellows: http://havanshawthaven.blogspot.com
Davee Jones: http://finless.blogspot.com/


ERP said…
awww, see models have it so tough. All that dreaming of gooey pizza. Ipacac is almost as satisfying. Almost. *sarcasm* poor things.
Bonni Sansom said…
How sad she has to live that way. Great post!
Naomi Shaw said…
Great post. Its not all glamour for models
Anonymous said…
She does look not the least bit interested in being in front of the camera. LOL! Reading this made me hungry for pizza. Nice flash fiction.
Davee, it's an honest look at an illness a lot of people have. I have friends who have or are going through it. Makes me soo sad. :(
I read a story once about a wife who was being abused and she decided to fight back by putting ipecac syrup in her husband's food. "Yes Dear, there is a lot of stomach flu going around."

Davee, you have created a story in my mind and I can almost hear her puking her guts out as I type this comment. Nicely done.
Davee Jones said…
I thought of the extremes we humans put ourselves through in the name of beauty, fame, or riches. What would I do for a million dollars? I'm not sure.
Benjamin, that woman should join forces with the Exlax brownie lady....;)
Muffy Wilson said…
What price pizza? She is paying it as they all do. Great post. Very different perspective. Loved this one:) xo
Lee Brazil said…
She should retire and open a bakery. Great post!
Anonymous said…
Oh wow!! Poor girl. I should sntach her up and take her down to the food court at the mall. *grin* Great FFF! xo
Gemma Parkes said…
Very realistic (probably)loved this 100!
Unknown said…
Ah, the torture of being a model. Sad that people actually think things like that.
Katie Harper said…
See,that's why I could never be a model. I'd have to put the fork down to take the picture.

VenusBookluvr said…
That's just sad. Have a freaking piece of pizza!
It's a shame what some people will torture themselves with all in the name of beauty.
Great job!!
Lindsey said…
Pizza in the long run won't hurt her. Great vision for this week.
Sherry Palmer said…
I can feel her hunger and her pain. Sad what people will do to stay thin. I will gladly keep my ample self if the alternative is living a life of deprivation.

Well written, I enjoyed it.

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