Hemorrhoid...Another Word for Singing the Blues, or Alicia Keys
Good morning! I’ve decided to use my blog not only to writing, music, and other facets of entertainment, but, also to share my journey. I’ve had significant health problems for almost two years. Initially, my rheumatologist diagnosed me with systemic lupus (SLE) on June 19, 2013. However, the medication wasn’t working and I kept getting worse and developing new symptoms. So, after second, third, and fourth opinions, my neurologist believes instead I have fibromyalgia.
In April 2014 I visited yet another rheumatologist who I hoped would be familiar with autoimmune disorders. Following an extensive intake during my initial appointment, I found a place where the doctor also listened to me. Based upon my blood work, the doctor believes I have Sjogren’s Syndrome. She also made the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and pre-lupus. I’ve never heard of pre-lupus, but, hopefully it stays in the “pre” category.
Thank you for listening, each week I will have a new installment chronicling my journey- Which is now more frustrating than ever. I test positive for ANAs in my blood, but, the lupus tests are negative. There are several varieties of autoimmune disorders, with different caveats and health variations. Learning to live with the unknown has become my routine.
Ahoy Fellow Fathomers welcome to this weeks’ health
installment. Today it’s all about the butt, and taking care of it. I’m talking
specifically about hemorrhoids. Yes, I talked about poop last week and this
week I’m trending in the same direction.
While on vacation I talked with you about the migraine I developed
our final night at the beach. The pain went away, but, left me with a horrible
headache hangover, just like being bruised everywhere. Thank goodness the drive
home was rainy, kept the sun from glaring into my raw feeling eyes. The trip
was good, and not as long as some road trips I’ve taken. Made it home and all
was good. I was finally starting to feel better until….yea, THAT pain.
Let me backtrack. I had my first child when I was 18. That
little cute boy was the light of my life and I couldn’t wait to meet him.
Toward the end of my pregnancy, my midwife pointed out something…and I mean
literally, that I wasn’t aware of. She asked me, “is that hemorrhoid bothering
I almost bolted upright. I was 18 years old, I wasn’t
supposed to get hemorrhoids. Ugh, gross! It never hurt or bothered me, so, I just
went on and tried to forget about it- I couldn’t. I got curious, so, I used a
handheld mirror and in the most awkward of big belly poses, kept trying to see
this weird new appendage floppy forth like low hanging fruit. It didn’t look
like much, almost like some giant, mega-sized, bionic skin tag. I reasoned with
the situation, since it seemed to have a personality of its’ own. Kinda like if
it would keep to its’ turf and not cause problems, I wouldn’t pursue the preparation
H. live and let live, so to speak.
I never really had problems with the issue until about 14
years later. I bought some bags of play sand for a sandbox for my next two
babies. If you’ve never handled bags of sand, they are about 80 pounds each. I
guess I lifted one too many and had my first major flare up. I got some cream,
applied per instructions and the problem finally rectumfied, I mean rectified
itself. The low hanging fruit blasted onto the scene and made its’ presence
known. Touche’, it’s on. Just like an old west gun slinger, I fired up the
nozzles and let the cream fly. I H-bombed that damn thing into submission. It beat
a hasty retreat back into the recesses of the netheregions from which it
Let’s fast forward another ten years or so. It’s Tuesday,
June 3, 2014. I’m minding my business. I got up to get ready for work. Tired
from vacay, headache hangover finally gone away. Butt, I mean, but, I had a new
pain, one that I hadn’t had in years. Dear Lord, it couldn’t be, could it? In the
shower I confirmed my suspicions. The curse was back and in full force. What
the hell did I do this time? I didn’t lift anything heavy. I got up and walked
a few times during our road trip. I took bathroom breaks, and as you read last
week, I made peace with my lower bowels and gave it more harmonizing foods to
keep the peace and regularity.
What the hell?
All I knew is like the Fast and Furious, this thing burst
forth and had me singing Alicia Keys like no other. I went from Ain’t No
Sunshine to This Girl is on Fire in a matter of hours. Dear Lord, had it
morphed? Was there more than one? I would walk funny if I didn’t deal with the
situation, stat.
I bought the good ole’ cream and some ass-tringent…I mean
astringent wipes, and began waving the white flag of surrender. Just like the
Hulk, I don’t like it when it’s angry. After a week, I still had no relief. So,
I went with the big guns, I brought in the butt crayons.
It only took a few
days, but, once again, I would be victorious.
What I want to know now is why? What did I do to deserve
this flare up? Especially out of the blue. It made no sense, so, I began
research. From what I read, people with fibromyalgia or other autoimmune
disorders may be at risk for greater occurrences of hemorrhoids. Joy. Something
else to add to the list of never ending symptoms and health related issues. Now
that I know about it, at least I can be prepared. I wasn’t joking when I talked
about the medications I use.
First, the cream. Preparation H is great, but, honestly, I used
the store brand. It was much cheaper and contained the same ingredients. This worked
when the flare was medium. For the more severe, I purchased the store brand of
hemorrhoid suppositories. I know it seems weird, but, I promise, for a moderate
to painful flare up, these “butt crayons” are the best thing going. Last but
not least, I highly recommend the “asstringent” which is witch hazel astringent. Its’
cooling action helps to soothe the pain and especially use when using the
restroom to prevent more irritation from rubbing too hard with toilet paper.
I know this may make some of you uncomfortable, others giggle,
and some just roll your eyes. But, I’m telling you, I hope you can learn
something helpful from all the candid life lessons I share. It’s really all I’m
trying to doo…I mean do.