OOOOOOH the Excitement Builds

I love Halloween. I spent the day today, in between coughs and sneezes, decorating for Halloween.
For the past fifteen years or so, I've wanted to be Poison Ivy. But, have never taken the time to find all the right pieces to make the costume work.

I fear if I wait too much longer, I'll be Geriatric Ivy and won't really rock the costume. I'm pushing it now as it is. (I keep reading the over 40 articles telling us what we "can" and "cannot" wear, ugh)

I was Amy Winehouse last year, I so much love her music and still saddens me we will not hear new music from such a talented soul. My beehive was not as commanding as hers, but, I just do not have the gift of hairstyling.
So, putting the question out there, who of you will be dressing up? And, puh-leaze, send me pictures, if you will, and I will pimp you rocking your costume here on my blog.
If pictures aren't your thing, please send me your creative suggestions for what you will dress up as, or in your fantasy, what you would like to be.
I think I'm gonna be a pirate this year, go figure.


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