Bigfoot--Do You Believe?

In the middle of Southeastern Oklahoma, there are tales of a large, hairy, human-like creature who roams the forests. Some of my brothers friends swear they have seen him, rambling outside my brothers' deer trailer in the middle of a clearing. The sightings made grown men drive crazily out of those woods in the middle of the night. My mother and I took my niece and daughter camping a few years ago about 1/4 mile away from the deer lease spot, just over a wooded and rocky ridge in another clearing by the catfish pond. We set up the tent, started a fire, and enjoyed sharing marshmallows and hot dogs as we watched the dogs play. Night fell and with no real lighting other than the fire, we opted to call it a night. We each had cots in the tent and all was quiet. The sounds of crickets, owls, and the occasional coyote howl worked as white noise to lull us to sleep. Suddenly, I heard a sound like I had never heard before. I lie there on the cot and ...