Flasher Fiction Friday Delicious Welcome to 2014
Ahoy Fellow Fathomers, this Friday I return to my first recurring blog contribution, the Friday Flash Fiction. A group of writers will write exactly 100 words, no more no less, to a picture prompt. After you read my contribution, please read what the other writers have to say, the links follow. Happy Friday!
The leather is supple against my skin and I’m not sure what’s
happening next, but, it doesn’t matter. My mind is whirling with a thousand
naughty images, each one just as delicious as the other.
I’m waiting impatiently for her to remove the gloves and
rake her sharpened nails against my tingling skin, hoping desperately her
tongue follows. My erect nipples, hard as pegs, will be knobs in her warm
Yet it’s still just a fantasy in my excited mind.
Thankfully now, as I wait for her to rise, her tongue is
sliding across my slickened femininity.
Welcome 2014.
Please visit our main blog for more takes on this intriguing photo - Flash Fiction Friday