Santa in an Outhouse?????

Hello Depth Explorers....

I've been MIA from the blog for time to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with my beautiful family.  I hope you all had an amazing weekend, and for my friends abroad and beyond the contiguous US who do not celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope the upcoming holiday season fills you with warmth however you celebrate.

Each year The Husband dwells on how to up the stakes for the outdoor spectacle otherwise known as the Christmas lights display. I think he purposefully waits for well after Thanksgiving weekend to size up the competition and see who on the block he will out-shine.
Yes, I add the stereotypical Clark Griswold image into the post at this time.  IMHO, it isn't the lighter side of Christmas without this classic. 
However, we also decided to represent the REAL reason for Christmas, by constructing a Nativity scene. The Great White Hunter--AKA, my son, Aaron, brought down some old wood and tin from an "antique" shed from the Ranch in Oklahoma to build the manger/stable scene, as well as hay to complete the set.  He fits the part of rugged GWH, don't you agree?  Oh, Happy Birthday, son, you are 23 today!  Let's all show some love here....
Back to topic....We believed we were on a roll with our Nativity scene...
Time to find our "participants".  My brother, Sam, was baby Jesus at a Christmas play back in 1984, so, when he volunteered again, although we appreciated the offer, a 6' tall baby Jesus might not fit in our cradle.
And, I'm not sure I could separate him from his new "girlfriend" to dedicate his time to the project. (You're welcome brother, for the most awesome of birthday gifts....a woman who won't speak her mind. bahahaha)
He has to get back to Stillwater anyway, where he is a Senior in college.  (shameless plug here for OSU, GO POKES!)
Our own kids are really too ADD to sit still each evening for a live Nativity, so, we opted for "artificial" actors. 
The Husband perused online and before he found anything viable, he found the ridiculous.

And, he found the "I guess if we absolutely HAD to...."

Because I live in the now, not the Amazon--we ship anything future-- I suggested we visit the store and buy something to bring home that day. 
Let the disappointment begin. 
We visited not one, not two, not three, but, five HUGE stores, that carry everything from condoms to celery to concrete and beyond. 
NOT ONE NATIVITY SET TO BE FOUND....oh wait, I digress, I found a few miniscule sets suitable for the desk, mantle, or coffee table.  Kroger came the closest with a fully lit Nativity, constructed of strictly lights and that "chenelle stuff", one dimensional-one piece construction.  Not really our vision.
SERIOUSLY FOLKS?????  If you want Santa on a surfboard, a proud peacock, Santa playing Texas Hold 'Em with his Reindeer, an oversized cowboy boot, penguins in an igloo, and yes, the classic--Santa coming out of an inflatable outhouse....

Then, you would be in luck.  We found more renditions of secular outdoor displays than we could shake a stick at.  But, NO Nativity.
Not even the cheesy plastic bubble-looking Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. 

Nothing, Zilch, Nada
I realize there will be a mass of folks out here that shrug and say, "What's the big deal?"  Well, to us, the big deal is, without Jesus, there is no Christmas and the fact commercialism took over and took out the basic spirit of Christmas is more than appalling, it is very very sad. 
I'm no Bible thumper, but, have a faith more expansive than my current home state and hope that even in my raciest of books, posts, blogs, etc, you see my message coming through that Jesus is more than the reason for the season, He is the reason for MY life. 
I'm putting Christ back in Christmas at least in The Locker.  I hope He is present in your heart as well. 
Merry Christmas my friends!  And to all, a good night, I mean day!  And, wish us luck that we finally find an acceptable Nativity, even if it is for next year....sigh....


alann said…
It was a fantastic weekend and as usual you out did yourself. The nativity issue really caused me to stop and ponder how we got to this point. There are plenty of quick answers and fingers to point however this didn't happen overnight it had taken years of conditioning and people afraid to take a stand because of indifference or not wanting to rock the boat or be labeled as one thing or another. Who is brave enough to take a stand? What values are we teaching the youth? Is this a reflection of howwe were raised therefore we are not surprised?
LunaEllaAldora said…
Great post and lots of truth to it! I hope you do find a nativity scene. I just discovered a Fisher Price Little People one today at my Pixie's nursery school. I'm guessing that wasn't what you had in mind either. I would have thought it entertaining to see a 6ft baby Jesus, BTW. ;)


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