Tuesday Tales and a Gift

Ahoy Fellow Fathomers! It's time for Tuesday Tales.

A group of writers gather together and give our interpretation of a specific word prompt each week. This week we share the prompt "gift".  You never know what you might encounter when you get inside our minds.  This will be an excerpt from my brand new yet-to-be-named WIP.


Matthew smiled and Laurel breathed a sigh of contentment.  The world as it should be.  Snow falling from the sky, powder on the ski runs, warm heat blowing on her frozen toes, and Matthew by her side.  Whoa, did I just think that? This guy is my friend and coach.  Laurel ran her fingers through her hair thoughtfully, a move not lost on Matthew. 
I would love to touch your hair.  I bet it’s as soft as the fallen snow.  Matthew felt like a complete dork.  How corny his thoughts became around Laurel.  Once again, he focused on something else, like the road ahead and made small talk.  “Wow, the snow is really beginning to fly, I bet we pick up a few inches before practice tomorrow.” 
Once her attention turned to the falling snow, Laurel lost any other train of thought.  “Yes, nice fresh powder, nothing better in the world.”  She turned and faced Matthew squarely as he drove.  “Not even a big, fat cheeseburger.” 
As Matthew opened his mouth in rebuttal, he realized Laurel told the foremost truth for both of them.  Nothing topped the thrill and fulfillment of a full day on fresh powder. Champagne powder gifted the lucky ones.  Serious skiers lived for more than a day on the lifts. Skiing encompassed a lifestyle.
Matthew found himself in the middle of this dilemma at the crossroads between vicarious and responsible.  He longed to discover what destiny life intended for him. Even if ski instructing paid the bills, was he living the life God intended? Was he holding on to this life out of fear or laziness? Very heavy questions for a random weeknight and he chose not to share his internal conflict with Laurel.


Thinking of making a life change is hard for everyone. Great scene.
Trisha Faye said…
I love hearing their inner thoughts, especially him thinking that he's a dork. So realistic inner dialog!
Jillian said…
Sweet! I love the fresh snow and how it's the focus of your post. Lovely
Tricia said…
I love that I could feel his struggle as he thought about what to do. Great job!

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