Tuesday Tales...Is That a Mug in Your Pocket?

This month is flying by while I do my best to get a glimpse of each day.  It's already time for another installment of TT. This week our group writes to the word prompt, "mug".
"I can't get enough of your ugly mug.” I found Finn’s mismatched coffee cup collection irresistibly cute. Clasped between my hands, the heat of morning coffee had nothing on the warmth of my heart.
“I don’t think I’ve ever made coffee for a girl before.”
“Aww…one of those things you really shouldn’t say out loud though. Not to the girl you just made coffee for.” I had to bust his balls a little, I didn’t know how to play the part of lovey dovey morning after.
“We’re both walking in unfamiliar territory. I like being on an equal playing field with you.”
Waking up to Finn’s tousled hair in my face beat just about any perfect sunrise I’d ever seen. My awareness of femininity tripled in his naked morning after presence. Feeling beautiful didn’t always come easily wearing my many hats, and I’d certainly never felt delicate. Yet, that morning, covered only with a sheet, entwined with Finn’s virile limbs, delicate was the only word coming to mind. “I like this.” Maybe someday I’d become articulate, however, chances weren’t good.
“My shyness tells me how right the past twenty-four hours have been. I take none of this for granted, it’s crazy amazing how good I feel.” Finn gently tapped his fingers against my cup.
“Should we…”
“No, we enjoy this entire day, then tomorrow, then the next day. If we need to figure out anything along the way, we do it.”
“But, what if…”
“No buts, either, Dan, we crossed the line in the sand. I’m holding you to the promises your body made to me.”

 Please visit us at our main site for more interpretations of "mug".


Jillian said…
Nice! I like the interplay with them and love the line about his body's promises.
Joselyn Vaughn said…
I liked how you describe how he makes her feel feminine. Nicely done.
V.L. Locey said…
Oooo, some great interplay!
I love the warmth, sexiness, intimacy and love in this "morning after" scene. It's beautifully done.
Davee Jones said…
thank you all, i love you guys!
J.Q. Rose said…
I like this relationship. I wonder where it will go....

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