Tuesday Tales - Spring Break from the Mountains

Ahoy Fellow Fathomers and welcome to this weeks' Tuesday Tales. This week our group is writing to a beautiful picture prompt. It's only 300 words, no more no less. There's no telling where we will take you in such a short time. I'm taking you to Caleb. His best friend and business partner, Owen Guthrie, was in a terrible accident. Caleb is driving to the hospital with a barrage of baggage invading his mind. So, please absorb the following picture and prompt:

Caleb hit the road with thoughts running rampant in misguided directions. He never imagined a life without his best friend and had never wanted to. Being young, life was folding out in front of them. They had more fish to catch, camping to do, mountains to climb, and families to make. Owen never deserved the pain he suffered, and it seemed he was finally coming to terms with the responsible, pensive man his childhood molded him to be.
They talked about building a cabin in the mountains and extending their operation beyond Oklahoma. So many negative memories haunted Owen and as much as he loved his home, it was also an emotional prison. Caleb knew this, and he accepted it. Someday Owen would move away and break free. Owen was an excellent guide, tracker, and businessman. Caleb thought how much Owen did and immediately felt guilty.
I’ve left him to pick up my slack. I took advantage of his good nature. What kind of friend have I been? So many things came in to take me away from the business we built together.
What shape was he in? Owen would never exist- living included more than just taking breaths. Caleb fast forwarded to the recovery process. Could Owen walk, talk? Not knowing consumed Caleb and he had to set cruise control to keep from breaking speeding laws. Owen finally broke away and staying with Pearl and Mr. Richard gave Owen a new confidence that Morgan almost took away.
Maybe Morgan breaking up with Owen was what he really needed to move forward.
Should he call her? Of course she would want to know. They were lifelong friends, after all. But he probably should wait until he got to the hospital and give her an accurate update on Owen’s condition.

Now that you've read my 300 on this beautiful mountain scene, please visit our main Tuesday Tales page for more interpretations.Tuesday Tales MAIN PAGE


OMG, you left us wanting to know what Owen's condition is!! Great story. I'm so hooked.
V.L. Locey said…
Great excerpt! Heck yes he should call her! You really pulled me right into this scene. Well done!
Sarah Cass said…
So much emotional torment. My emotions are all jumbled now, I could feel his pain so well. Beautiful excerpt.
Lindsay said…
Yes I want to know what happened to Owen
Iris B said…
Oh wow, well done on the emotions!
Jillian said…
love it! Hope he calls!!!
Anonymous said…
The down side of only 300 words for the picture prompts. We get sucked into the story and want to keep reading ... but it's over.
Great scene!
morgan said…
Oh no, what's happened to Owen? Left us all on the hook.
SherryGLoag said…
Meanine :-) To leave us hanging with so many unanswered questions. I want to read more of this story.
S.E said…
I hope it is something he can recover from.

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