Just Out of My Grasp - My Personal Journey with SLE

Just Out of my Grasp
Ahoy Fellow Fathomers, I’ve decided to use my blog not only to writing, music, and other facets of entertainment, but, also to share my journey. I found out on June 19, 2013 the reason for many of my ongoing health problems is because I have systemic lupus, also known as SLE.
Ironically, a year or so ago, one of my best friends had a co-worker, Mel, who died as a result of complications from lupus. I kept thinking Mel was in her sixties, (still not “old” by any stretch), but, I in fact found out Mel died at age 44.
Heavy heart.
Mel suffered from so many health complications as she declined, she could barely handle a one hour lunch with her friends. Toward the end, it seemed to me that her death was a blessing of sorts. However, that was well before I found out I had lupus too.
Stolen years.
I have a life to live, I have plans. So, the question began, “Is this the best I’m gonna feel for the rest of my life?”
Thank you for listening, each week I will have a new installment chronicling my journey. Please, please feel free to comment, write, share. I hope to use this forum as a help to all of us, no matter what pain you are experiencing. You may also send stories to me via finlessbook at gmail dot com. I will respect your privacy and maintain your anonymity, if you so desire.
Hugs for today …


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