Tuesday Tales- Is a Picture Worth 300 Words?

Ahoy Fellow Fathomers! Happy May 14th! It's time for another edition of Tuesday Tales. This week I take you  to a new installment in my YA series WIP, Finding Love in a Black Lagoon.   We Tuesday Tales Authors present this picture prompt:

Is this a tranquil street? Did a murder happen here? What's really going on in this would be Twin Peaks?

"Owen leaned forward in his chair, his hands dangling in between his parted knees. “You don’t know what it’s like growing up in a small town. People can be awfully helpful, but, they can be just as judgmental. It was tough on me sometimes as a kid.”
“I grew up just a short hop, skip, and a jump away from you, Owen. I know what it’s like. I think most everyone in Oklahoma feels the same way at one time or another.”  Pearl rubbed his arm gently, using long comforting strokes. She spoke in a low voice brimming with empathy.
Owen Guthrie sighed, a rarity for this particular young man. He looked down at the letter he held between his right index finger and thumb. With his other three fingers staunchly straight, it appeared he held something hot, or quite repulsive. “Morgan knew everything that happened to me when we were just kids, before we even dated. I didn’t have to explain anything. She also knew about Caleb and the rest of our rascally bunch.”
Pearl Adair glanced toward the letter, focusing on the upside down looping scrawl. “Morgan is not the only girl who will care for you and accept you. Whatever is in there won’t change my opinion of you, I promise, Owen. You have my word.” She used her finger to cross her heart.
“Pearl, we are getting to know each other and having a great time in the process. I can’t rush this part. We don’t have to get all each other’s details right up front. We can reveal things bit by bit. It will make the things in my family’s past that much easier to swallow. I promise you.”
“Owen, I’m sure it isn’t like anyone in your family murdered anyone…” His look cut her short." 
 "Now that you've read my contribution to TT, please visit my creative friends over at our main blog, Tuesday Tales for their take on this picture prompt. 


Iris B said…
Ok - I AM very curious about the mystery in his family!!!
Anonymous said…
I always love a good mystery and murder and love to have photos to go with the posts just to whet your interest. Loved this, thanks.
V.L. Locey said…
Hmmm, wonder what the mystery is in his family??
Sarah Cass said…
Oooh, you left us with a mystery!! I'm dying to know more.
SherryGLoag said…
Hmm, I wonder what happened in his past and why she's pushing him when he so obviously wishes she wouldn't. Anticipate a few fireworks here.
Okay, so who did they murder? Now you've got me asking questions. Love this piece and how he's hanging back on revealing his past.
Lindsay said…
The last sentence has me begging for more
triciaandersen said…
Oooh...I'm intrigued! Who did they murder? Did he murder someone? Must know more!
Anonymous said…
You sucked me right in. I want to keep reading. Great job!

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