Tuesday Tales and Angry

Ahoy Fellow Fathomers! It's time for Tuesday Tales.

A group of writers gather together and give our interpretation of a specific word prompt each week. This week our prompt is the word "angry".  You never know what you might encounter when you get inside our minds.  This will be an excerpt from my new yet-to-be-named WIP.


I know enough about death, I’ve seen more than my fair share. I know folks go through stages, and being angry is one stage some folks allow to become quick sand. They plant their feet and sink into the muck and mire of hopelessness and bitterness, losing their will for humanity and joy.
Don’t let this be you.
Don’t get me wrong- You’re beautiful all the time, especially when you’re angry. I speak my truth when I speak of your beauty. Your passion is exquisite, whether by smile or by ferocity.
Damn, you’re gorgeous.
Yes, of all the arguments we had, we had very few when you became truly angry at me. Most of the time, it was your anger at some worldly injustice, and thank God, not at me. I’d watch your jaw clench, while the tears welled, and you exposed unbridled passion welled just beneath your skin. You knew bias to the core and raged at life’s unfair atrocities. I could only watch and attempt to comfort you, bringing you down rung by rung from the ladder of fury you’d climbed.
Don’t let my death cause you extended anger.
You’re better than that.
You deserve well more than a lifetime of bitterness, and wherever I am watching over you, I promise you I feel enough anger for the both of us for leaving you… however I departed this world. I’ll carry the brunt of the regret and anger.
I promise.

Please visit us at our main site for more interpretations of angry Tuesday Tales Main Page


Wow. Very powerful. Well done.
Tricia said…
That wrapped so tight around my heart and tugged. It was so powerful and emotional. Great job!
Love the intensity of this excerpt. Fabulous image -- "bringing you down rung by rung from the ladder of fury."
V.L. Locey said…
Wonderful snippet! So intense and powerfully written.
Jillian said…
Beautifully done. Very moving.
Trisha Faye said…
Great snippet!!! Powerful and intense. Beautifully written. I loved it and did NOT want to stop right there!

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