Don't Go Burning Bridges...Blue Ink - Tuesday Tales

Ahoy Fellow Fathomers! Happy Tuesday and time for another edition of Tuesday Tales. This week I return to my current demonic, paranormal thriller, Blue Ink: The Skin Stalker for my take on the versatile word, "bridge".
Did Colin forever burn his bridge with Joelle?  Let's see, shall we...

(view from atop the St Louis Arch of a Mississippi River Bridge)
"Colin breathed a huge sigh of relief before replying, “Oh, Joelle, thank goodness you answered the phone.”  Colin’s voice carried an unusual ring of panic that she had never heard before.
Joelle’s heart stopped for a moment.  She had not heard his voice in so long- she sat quietly, digesting the words to say.  She appreciated the chair she sat in to keep her knees from buckling.  “Colin?”  Joelle finally managed.
“Yes, it’s me,” Colin replied softly.
“This really is not a good time,” Joelle flatly stated with profound emphasis. 
Colin knew he had some reparations to make on the bridge between himself and Joelle.  However, he knew valuable time ticked off the clock the longer he kept his knowledge from her.  “Look, Joelle, I’m very sorry about how I left, and I have many more things to say to you, but, right now, you might be in danger.”  Colin just let the words fly from his mouth, hoping she believed him. 
Joelle instantly believed Colin.  She knew all the feelings she had recently- the signs that life pointed to her, the women, the stupid blue dots, all of it- now pointed squarely toward her.  Her blood went cold.  By this time, Suzette found Joelle in the break room.  She signaled to Joelle, wanting to know who was on the phone.  The pale complexion of Joelle’s face told Suzette it was no one good. 
“Keep talking, Colin,” Joelle ordered.  “I know about the women in Colorado, it’s all over the news." She paused, waiting for the courage to question him.   "Did you do it?”
Colin immediately became defensive, quickly denying her accusation.  “No, no, no, Joelle, it was not me, I swear!”  Colin’s voice pled with her over the line to believe him.
Suzette approached Joelle, her hands animated and flying in the air wondering what in the world was going on.  Joelle looked evenly at Suzette and put a finger to her mouth to shush Suzette’s tirade."

Now that you've read my contribution to TT, please visit my creative friends over at our main blog, Tuesday Tales for their interpretation of "bridge".


Lindsay said…
Interesting. Wonder what's going to happen next
Tai Vicari said…
Colin seems to have a lot of explaining. Very interested in what comes next.

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