Did Passion Disappear Into a Minivan?
Ahoy Fellow Fathomers! Today in The Locker I discuss finding passion again. Where do you think it goes? So What’s All The Fuss? Over the past few weeks, I’ve researched the camps between Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared To You. Okay, come back, I’m not rehashing either book or reviewing either one. (Although I’ve not read FSOG, I did read Bared To You and have a review just down on this page, if you are so interested.) This blog focuses on how this newest trend in fiction- erotic romance- is impacting my part of the world. Having a double degree in Psychology and Sociology, followed by a Master’s degree in counseling, it stands to reason why I continue to study the world and the people in it long after I walked across the stage to receive my diplomas. When I write my books, I take very real issues in society-the good, bad, or indifferent-and use those issues as integral parts of my storylines. I research the topic and attempt to write my fiction as closely as possible to what is...