
Showing posts from January, 2018

Tuesday Tales and Natural Comforts

Ahoy Fellow Fathomers! It's time for Tuesday Tales. A group of writers gather together and give our interpretation of a specific word prompt each week. This week we share a picture prompt. We only describe the photo in 300 words. You never know what you might encounter when you get inside our minds.  This will be an excerpt f ro m my new yet-to-be-named WIP. Enjoy!~ Grief is the kind of heartache you feel past your bones to your blood cells, permeating your actual basic body compositions. The overwhelming sadness tricks you into thinking the sorrow actually changes your soul. Such is how I imagine you this first February without me. I know I probably couldn’t even get out of bed if I were mourning you. I want you to remember something. Nature gives us an amazing comfort, an actual natural blanket, covering all the ugliness. When we need peace, we’ve always looked to the fresh snow- lovingly blanketing and protecting everything it covered...